Monthly Archives: March 2009

I am feeling guilty…

…not because I’ve neglected to post in a couple weeks…although that would certainly be valid, given my goals.  No, I’m feeling guilty because I’m having a…well, an adulterous relationship.

Okay, you can all start breathing again…especially you, Mom. 🙂  No messy  confessions about my personal life are about to be revealed. This is, after all, a stitching  blog…a G-rated stitching blog.  So, suffice it to say, stitching forms the crux of my confession tonight.  To whit… my relationship with my needlework has changed.  How? Well, for many years, I have been faithful to my world of linen, canvas, silk and floss… monogamous as it were.  I did anything and everything that could be done with a blunt-tipped tapestry needle:  needlepoint, Hardanger and counted thread.  Happily unaware of other temptations, I plied my art (pun intended).

Then, along came the world-wide web and with it a world of gifted artists who shared their work freely. I started finding websites on quilting, crazy quilting, freestyle embroidery and knitting. Suddenly my familiar…and dare I say it…mundane tapestry needle and linen didn’t seem to be enough. I wanted excitement, I wanted new colors, new textures, new….new…va-voom!

So I caved.  I tried a new technique here, bought a little crazy quilting kit there. But up until now I’ve just dabbled.  In the last year, things have gotten a bit worse.  A bit more quilting here, a jot of knitting there, a class in Japanese embroidery (sharp! needle) and even one ill-advised (for me anyway) foray into the art of tatting. Still, I figured it was no big deal.  I could walk away any time if anyone began to get suspicious.

But now I’m afraid I am too badly smitten to continue to live a lie.  I’m in love…with knitting!  I love that I can see it when I’m tired. I love that I finish things the same year I start them.  I love that I can augment my wardrobe and the wardrobes of others (without muttering invectives at my sewing machine).  I love that it’s a texture and color fest every time I walk into my local knit shop. And, come to think of it, I love my local knit shop.

Could this be infatuation? Maybe but since I am still in love with a lace scarf that in the last 72 hours I have ripped out at least  7 times….it’s unlikely. I think I am well and truly besotted.

Anyone of certain age may remember a top 40 song from the late seventies; ‘Torn Between Two Lovers.  Yep, that’s me right now. I haven’t picked up my tapestry needle in almost a month.  At retreat last weekend, I did nothing but knit.  So…my stitching stash is calling to me…and I feel guilty because I am listening only to my cables and yarn-overs…and the sweet nothings they are whispering in my ear.

So, tonight what I have to share with you are photos of my new love. My beloved knitting…

My first finish for 2009:  A baby blanket for a very special young man named Colton:

Colton's Blanket

Close up

This was my first attempt at knitting with two strands of yarn held together.  I really enjoyed it and I feel pretty pleased with myself, as I’m very much a beginner. 🙂

Second, I am working on a sweater that involves cabling. I LOVE CABLES. I feel totally rocked when I look at this project and realize I did it.  Okay, so I wasn’t as rocked when I had to pull out several rows to correct a mistake and, yes, I did need help.  But ripping out in knitting, as in counted thread, seems to be part of the process.  The only problem is, I am much better at finding and correcting my mistakes in counted thread projects. Now, with mistakes corrected, I want to share my cable vest back. Notice the lovely color…my favorite color…never mind that I will probably look like a giant walking lime. 🙂 The shade on the first photo is much more true.

Cabled Gillet-started 2/2009

Cabled Gillet

I am almost finished with the back panel and plan to take this project on vacation with me.

And finally…just because I wanted a project on the other end of the yarn and needle size spectrum that would teach me more new knitting techniques, I started an ‘easy’ lace shawl by Sunflower Designs.  I’ve been working on it for 3 days and I’m now on the 14th row or so, but I’ve done those 14 rows oh, about seven times. (See above).  Still, I love the pattern, I love the yarn and I WILL GET IT!

Sunflower designs

Sunflower designs

By the way, if you want to try lace knitting or even just look at some gorgeous examples, go to Susan’s website.  She sells her patterns, her service is fabulous and her creativity is…well, incredible.  Treat yourself to this blog…it is a beautiful, calming experience. (Not to be confused with aforementioned experience had whilst ripping above pattern out for the seventh time! :-))

Deep breath…my dirty little secret is now out in the open. I am…yes, I AM a knitter!  I freely admit I have played the field and enjoyed it. But the truth remains,  I am also a stitcher and I will continue to be a stitcher. How could I give up my love of so many years? I can’t, therefore  I have to learn to multitask.

So please don’t give up hope…there will be more photos of stitching to come. And in fact, I have an idea of something that might help speed up the process:  Are there any patrons out there that would like to support me as I learn how to maintain relationships with multiple significant others?  (DH, if you’re reading, this is a metaphor…so don’t fret…you are still number one in my life! :-))

Sigh…I didn’t think so. So it’s off to work in the morning and both knitting and stitching will languish…left alone and unloved…as I satisfy the tyranny of the urgent (aka: the house payment, groceries and yes, even stash money.) But even as I grumble a little, I consider myself so blessed to have a job and to be well enough to work.  Nuf said…

Whew! I am so glad to have this confession off my chest. Now it’s back to my size 4 lace needles.  I hope this finds each of you well, happy and in stitches…knitting or otherwise.

