Goals for April

As it is April First, it is time to revisit my needlework/fitness goals.

First, how did I do in March? This was what I had hoped to accomplish:

Goals for March:

1. Finish Judy’s neighborhood in Round Robin-NOT QUITE.

2. Finish Buttonhole edge for Folding Cross Needlebook (Guild Project)-NO

3. Start Gay Ann Rogers Redwork Mystery-UM, this is Guild project that starts in April. Color me confused. However, I did order the Vicki Clayton Garnet silk I wanted for this piece and have a cut of antique white 28 count linen. So, I’m ready to go…I was just a month early. 🙂
4. Work on: Bordeaux Sampler SAL-YES

Chatelaine Mystery X-YES

Anniversary gift for parent’s 50th-YES

Papillion Mystery-YES

Sun Shower (HAED)-NO

Crocheted prayer shawl-YES

+ I started another gift for a friend.


One of the things I’ve been turning over in my head is whether to participate in the EGA challenge this year. The challenge title is ‘Circle of Life’ and I can imagine so may ways to recreate that in needlework. But the major question is: Do I have the time between now and September to do it justice. I’ve wanted to try my hand at this type of designing for some time now. –I have thought about it and I am going to participate. My entry and check are ‘in the mail’. I have started sketching ideas. Life isn’t nearly as much fun without a challenge. 🙂

So, all in all, not a stellar perfomance, but okay. This is, after all, supposed to be relaxing, right? So now…on to April.

April goals:

Finish ‘Old Stone Church’, Judy’s neightborhood RR.

Finish and FINISH (box top) a gift for the middle of the month.

Finish Stitching on Indigo Rose Folding Cross Needlebook.

Work on (surface embroidery) Lingerie Bag.

Work on Chatelaine-Mystery X

Finish page one of the Bordeaux Sampler.

Finish prayer shawl.

Assemble Block One of LeAnne’s House quilt and start surface embroidery.

Walk 4 miles a week, otherwise I’m never going to make Rivendell in this lifetime. 🙂

Stitch on: Papillion Creations Mystery, Sun Shower, and anything else that takes my fancy in my WIP bin.

That’s a tall order, but I do have some time this week and this month that I have to be home, so I’m hoping to get a lot done.

Well, it’s back to the Old Stone Church for me. Hope everyone has enjoyed their day.



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  • Paula  On April 3, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    So, I couldn’t place Rivendell, knew it sounded familiar but from where???
    Then I checked some of the other pages on your blog and saw your reference to LoTR – ah, now I remember. Good luck, Jules!!

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